Monday, April 2, 2012

Featured Business - Shea'Moi Naturelle

It's April and we have a line of New Businesses to Feature our first for April is - "She'Moi Naturelle".  Everyone enjoy!

1. What was it that sparked your interest in starting your own business, what products or services does your business provide, and how long have you been in business?

I have always wanted to be in business for myself, it has always been a dream that is now a
reality. I have a passion for helping people, and I believe as a business owner it puts me in the
best position to be able to do that. My Christian faith teaches me to be the head and not the tail,
the lender and not the borrower. We live in a society that contains an economy that is spiraling
downward, but with faith in God and sound business principles, I believe we can rise above and
still be successful in business. Proverbs 19:17, “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the
Lord, and He will repay him for his deed.” Colossians 3:23-24, “Whatever you do, work heartily,
as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as
your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” Those two scriptures keep me focused and
grounded as I conduct the business of SheaMoí Naturelle™
SheaMoí Naturelle™ provides artisan handmade jewelry in a plethora of styles. Our jewelry
will you have you Elegant, Distinctive, and Natural. We will also be starting another phase of the
business in the near future...still upholding our standard of all things, Elegant, Distinctive, and
What once was just a hobby, has exploded to something big and grand...and in January 2012
SheaMoí Naturelle™ was born!

2. How did you come up with the name of your business?
SheaMoí Naturelle™ was a name that my wife and I came up with, based on the initial plan to
create natural hair care products. Shea stands for Shea butter, naturelle stands for all things
natural. Although we are currently selling artisan jewelry, we decided to keep the name SheaMoí

3. What sets you apart from the rest?
There are many incredible businesses in the jewelry industry, what sets us apart is that our
jewelry is handmade. We aim to stay above the trend, as we create innovative jewelry that will
have our customers Elegant, Distinctive, and Natural.

4. What would you say are the most important factors of running a successful business?
The most important thing is to keep the faith and don't give up. There will be hard times, but
stay the course, and endure! Believe in your dream, and dream to believe!

5. What Company or businesses do you admire the most?
There is not one company or business that I admire, but rather there are a few people who I
admire their business accomplishments....Tyler Perry, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Baisden, and the
story about Chris Gardner. Each of these individuals started with nothing but a prayer and a
dream, but they believed in their dreams and never gave up!

6. What obstacles have you faced and how have you handled them?
As with any new venture you will face obstacles known an unknown. I look at each obstacle as a
learning experience. I center myself in the company of other successful business owners who
have been where I am, and are currently where I want to be. I learn from their mistakes, as well
as network with them for every bit of advice that I'm able to obtain.

7. Is there anything else you would like to add?
For anyone contemplating on starting their own business, know that having a business takes hard
work, dedication and above all RISK. However with proper planning, determination and ethical
business can make it. How bad do you want it?

You may also visit us on facebook at:

You may purchase our items here:

SheaMoí Naturelle™
Brentwood Towne Center, 511 Towne Square Way, Suite 175, Pittsburgh, PA 15227
(412) 436-6014